When aid workers offer
spoonfuls of mush, a nutritious blend
of life-saving food, into small cups or bowls held by tiny hands, they are
fulfilling a fourteen year mission through Vision Trust International, “to reach the
world’s neediest children.” For the children in famine hit countries such
as Central African Republic, this aid means survival and so much more as they
are sponsored into the life-giving programs that provide shelter, education and
loving mentors.
For our family, it is a
way to love and feed fatherless children around the globe, some of whom we may
never meet. As a mom of seven children, ranging in ages from ten to
twenty-nine, I have seen God lead our ordinary family on an incredible
adventure as missionaries with Vision Trust International; my husband, Scott, often
traveling into remote places.

I want to hold those
outside the fence and comfort them. That is what my Daddy created me to
do. To be hands that hold, hands that love, hands that feed those I don’t
even know or may never meet. It is a big world with a big list of hurting
kids, but we serve a HUGE God, and Vision Trust IS making a difference, one
child at a time. When we give just one cup of water in the name of Jesus,
we are giving one to God. Now, that’s truly amazing!
* When a child is sponsored, their food, medical care, education, housing,
etc. are paid for by an individual or organization through a monthly commitment
or one-time gift. Click on www.visiontrust.org for more information about Vision Trust International, or contact Scott or Tonya Couch at Scottc@visiontrust.org or Tonyasnotes@gmail.com.
Tonya Couch is a writer of inspirational topics and lives with her husband and children in Lewisville, NC. Scott and Tonya serve as missionaries with Vision Trust International, a 501c3 with headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO.; impacting children and orphanages in over sixteen countries for Christ.
Tonya Couch is a writer of inspirational topics and lives with her husband and children in Lewisville, NC. Scott and Tonya serve as missionaries with Vision Trust International, a 501c3 with headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO.; impacting children and orphanages in over sixteen countries for Christ.